2022 Conference

Hobart: 28-30 September 2022

The AGTA 2022: The Active Geographer Conference was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Hobart from Wednesday 28 to Friday 30 September 2022. The program included keynote speakers, plenary sessions, workshops and fieldwork as well as a special welcome at Government House, gala dinner and social activities.


Wednesday 28 September 2022

Session 1: Workshop 1a
Tony Jarrett – Collaborations between teachers, Primary School students and expert partners to enhance learning about natural hazards and bush fire

Session 1: Workshop 1b
David Boon – How young children perceive their world and research into early spatial mapping

Session 1: Workshop 1c
Lorraine Chaffer – The loss and management of Australia’s kelp forest ecosystems. The Great Southern Reef

Session 1: Workshop 1d
Brett Dascombe – Using Spatial Tech Apps & Drones to collect qualitative and quantitative data for Geography Fieldwork

Session 1: Workshop 1e
David Proctor – Strategies for kinaesthetic learners in theory based topics

Session 1: Workshop 1f
Beth Welden – Reshaping Fieldwork Experiences with Immersive Technologies – A case study using ForestVR in the Geography classroom

Session 2: Workshop 2a
Greg Calvert and Rowan Harris – Geography and A Career Perspective

Session 2: Workshop 2b
Susan Martin – Topography, Photography, and Drone Imagery: Building Perceptions for Contemporary Geographers

Session 2: Workshop 2d
Ruth Whelan and Jenny Dudgeon – Seeking Place!

Session 2: Workshop 2e
Darlene Hill and Nicole Amey – Connect, Collaborate, Communicate

Session 2: Workshop 2f
Mick Law – The best ten tools for your geospatial toolbox

Session 3: Workshop 3a
Sarah Kippen – Engaging E-Learning Resources for Your Geography Classroom

Session 3: Workshop 3c
Olivia Andrew and Charlene Teeken – Spiral of skills 7-10

Session 3: Workshop 3.d
Trish Douglas – COVID-19 and the tourism industry

Session 3: Workshop 3.e
Debra Owens and Liam Hume – Using student voice and STEM pathways to develop transdisciplinary capabilities in Stage 5 Geography students

Session 3: Workshop 3.f
David Cross and Hudson Gordon – Will child trafficking education change our world?

Thursday 29 September 2022

Session 4: workshop 4.c
Brett Dascombe – Using StoryMaps to create interactive Senior Geography Fieldwork and Investigative Reports

Session 4: Workshop 4.d
Mick Law – Geospatial in your local area

Session 5: workshop 5.b
Paul Rogers – From booklet to report – a platform for success in senior geography fieldwork

Session 5: workshop 5.d
Kathy Jones – Fieldwork Simplified

Session 5: Workshop 5.e
Leonie Brown – Ideas for Embedding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures in the Australian Geography Curriculum

Session 6: Workshop 6.a
Sarah Kippen – Engaging E-Learning Resources for Your Geography Classroom (repeat session)

Session 6: workshop 6.b
Mick Law – Graphicacy in Geography

Session 6: Workshop 6.c
Erin Leder – High Impact Teaching Strategies for the HASS classroom