Teaching Resources

Geography Fieldwork Unlocked

Geography Fieldwork Unlocked features 34 inquiry-based fieldwork activities developed by a team of experienced Geography educators.

Key features:

  • Section 1 of the book introduces the reader to inquiry-based fieldwork. It provides guidance in developing fieldwork action plans, research methodologies, and data collection tools and approaches as well as guidance on the presentation and communication of fieldwork findings.
  • Section 2 features nine fieldwork activities for primary students (Years F/K–6). Each of these activities has been designed to develop students’ conceptual understanding and the skills associated with inquiry-based learning.
  • Section 3 showcases 25 fieldwork activities aligned to the topics studied by students in Years 7–10.
  • Each fieldwork activity is framed by one or more inquiry questions. They also feature: a statement of expected learning; a list of the equipment needed to successfully complete each fieldwork activity; a short introduction; background information that contextualises student learning; pre-fieldwork activities; and detailed step-by-step instructions on how to complete each fieldwork task.

Cost: $59.95 each + postage

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Geography Skills Unlocked — Second edition

The very popular Geography Skills Unlocked has received its second revision. The revision includes an update of the statistics used throughout the book.

Key features:

  • Contents aligned to the inquiry and skills-based requirements of Australian Curriculum: Geography
  • An engaging, easy to navigate design
  • A student friendly approach with step-by-step explanations, descriptions and worked examples
  • A focus on emerging technologies used to gather, analyse and present geographical data
  • GeoSkills and GeoInquiry activities that scaffold student learning
  • A wealth of stimulus material including a diverse range of maps, graphs, aerial photographs, satellite images, diagrams and photographs
  • Examples drawn from each Australian state and territory with additional international material
  • Key terms explained in embedded glossary boxes

Geography Skills Unlocked is published by the Australian Geography Teachers Association and written by a team of experienced Geography teachers.

Cost: $44.95 each + postage

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Download Answers to Geography Skills Unlocked Questions (1.7MB PDF)

Geography Literacy Unlocked

Geography Literacy Unlocked has been written for secondary geography students seeking to improve their literacy skills. It includes a focus on written, visual and oral literacy.

Geography Literacy Unlocked is published by the Australian Geography Teachers Association and written by Dr Grant Kleeman. One of Australia’s leading geography educators.

Key features:

  • An engaging, easy-to-navigate design
  • A student-friendly approach featuring step-by-step explanations and annotated exemplars
  • A focus on the basics of effective written communication – spelling, punctuation, tense and the use of connectives
  • Descriptions of the principal text types used in geography, supported by annotated examples
  • Guidance for writers in quoting, paraphrasing, summarising and referencing the work of others
  • A focus on the responsible use of social media
  • A comprehensive coverage of the principal forms of visual and oral texts students encounter in geography
  • Templates or scaffolds to support the interpretative skills students are expected to demonstrate.

Cost: $29.95 each + postage

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Study Geography Brochure

Designed for Year 8 – 10 students and their parents, this brochure outlines options that a study of Geography offers students including ideas about careers. The essential messages are that Geography is fun; Geography leads to a variety of careers; and Geography cultivates a unique world view. This is an essential resource for promoting a study of Geography in the junior and middle years.

Year levels: 8–10

Cost: per a set of 50 in A4 brochure format consisting of 4 pages 

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Evidence for learning and feedback resources

Effective feedback practice is shown to increase student progress by as much as an extra eight months over a year. AITSL in partnership with Evidence for Learning have developed new materials to support teachers and school leaders to enhance feedback practices with students in their context.

The resources draw upon global evidence and research-based approaches, including from AITSL’s own Board Chair and world-renowned education researcher, Professor John Hattie. The suite of materials is free to access from the AITSL website and includes the following:

  • A spotlight research summary – Reframing feedback to improve teaching and learning – to describe the underpinning research on effective feedback.
  • Written and video case studies that profile effective implementation of feedback within Australian schools.
  • Implementation resources, such as a readiness check, planning overview and an introductory presentation, to help schools introduce an effective feedback strategy.

CARE’s Global Poverty: Teacher’s Toolkit

CARE Australia has developed a website which provides teachers with resources on a range of issues related to poverty and inequality. Topics include global poverty, education, health, women’s empowerment, water and hygiene, food and nutrition, climate change and responding to emergencies.

Each topic includes teaching tools such as fast facts, videos, and stories designed to spark curiosity and enhance classroom discussion.

View CARE’s Global Poverty: Teacher’s Toolkit website

Australia’s engagement with Asia: Indonesia

Case studies in water, food, urbanisation and human wellbeing

Australia’s engagement with Asia: Indonesia is an engaging and easy-to-use teaching resource that supports the Australian Curriculum: Geography. It includes six DVD chapters with related texts and worksheets developed by World Vision and the Australian Geography Teachers Association.

It directly addresses two cross-curriculum perspectives: Sustainability and Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia.

Access the online resources

Teaching Primary Geography for Australian Schools

Teaching Primary Geography for Australian Schools helps to develop your knowledge and understanding of Early Years and Primary geography and of their teaching. It discusses the nature of geography and geographical knowledge and understanding, and links this with everyday life, in particular, with children’s environmental and geographical experiences, a thread running throughout the book. Key aspects of Early Years and Primary geography are covered, including the core ideas in the subject, and understanding places and environmental sustainability. It considers inquiry approaches to teaching and learning geography, learning outside the classroom through fieldwork, the geographical skills children need, such as map work and visual skills, world knowledge and global issues, citizenship and cross-curricular approaches. Aspects of planning geography teaching and learning and assessment are discussed, as are ways in which you can investigate and reflect on your geography teaching and children’s learning in your classroom.

The purpose of Teaching Primary Geography in Australian Schools is to encourage and develop well-grounded geographical knowledge and understanding for all children through high-quality planning, teaching and learning in and of geography.

ISBN: 9781743306758
RRP: 35.95

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