Online Learning

AGTA is proud to present our online learning portal

Dr. Paul Batten and Katerina Stojanovski are involved in this project. They are experienced high school Geography teachers. Paul completed his PhD in 2004, writing a transdisciplinary thesis within Geography titled Mapping Landscapes: Philosophies, Perspectives and Information Frameworks. Katerina is an experienced educator with over 20 years teaching time. Both are experienced at creating and delivering online learning experiences.

Integrating Maps Effectively Into Geography Lessons

AGTA is proud to present this professional learning experience so that you can further your capacity to utilise maps in your lessons, and develop spatial literacy in your students.

The Australian Curriculum: Geography suggests that teachers across all year levels show students how maps can help them understand the world.

Teachers in all states and territories can benefit from the materials and sharing activities in this course to build ideas for integrating maps and map skills in a multitude of ways.

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Note: Members of AGTA State and Territory associations should email to obtain the discount code to receive the $99.00 price for the course.